Friday, 27 March 2015


Here's the app for today's Alcatraz activity.

Click on the pic. Also available on itunes and Google Play.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Grad Photos

Grad Photos this Wednesday, March 23 for R8C and EMF8B.

Call your stylist now!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Today's Ruby Bridges?

Following up on our Prezi on "What's today's civil rights struggle?", here's the clip mentioned in class by Ms. Rumstein:

Monday, 9 March 2015

Public Speaking

Well, we finally have our two finalists for Wednesday's school-wide public speaking contest.

R8C will be represented by Noah who will be speaking about the perils of technology in the classroom... This pic pretty much captures the class' reaction.

Evangelea will take the podium for EMF8B with her speech on child labour.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Ruby Bridges Reunites With Mrs. Henry

Here's the clip showing the reunion between Ruby Bridges and Barbara Henry for the first time since Ruby was Mrs. Henry's student in grade 1:

R8C Math

UW Problem of the Week:

This one fits perfectly - E.T., but without the product placement...

Grade 7/8

Grade 9/10

Earl Lloyd - First African-American in the NBA

The following sad news fits in with our class discussions for Black History Month.

Basketball pioneer Earl Lloyd, the first African-American ever to play in an NBA game, died Thursday, Feb. 26. He was 86 years old. Lloyd was also the first black assistant coach in league history, and the NBA's second black head coach.

Earl Lloyd

Public Speaking Speeches

Here's what we had discussed in class re. the intro to your speech:

Speeches Intro

You may 'recycle' your debate topic for your speech, but you also have the option of choosing a different topic.

All speeches are due this Wednesday, March 4. 

Persuasive Essay

Here are the details re. our persuasive essays, as discussed in class:

Essay Outline and another one (based on R8C's class essay on DPA)

Essay Intro

The essays are due this Friday, March 6. If you are entering for the school-wide public speaking contest, you get an extension to Monday, March 9.