Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Photos, Milk/Pizza and Toonies for Terry

Photo orders should be handed in ASAP! Due date to the office is October 1.

Milk and pizza order forms were handed out today and are also available on the GMS blog.

Please also bring in a $2 donation for Toonies for Terry.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Letter of Reference Assignment

Your letters are due on Monday, September 22 (R8C and EMF8B).

A couple of reminders:

  • letters can be handwritten in black or blue pen, or typed
  • your letter must be double-spaced, whether it's typed or handwritten
  • you can share your letter via Google Drive if you want, but you still need to print it!
  • if you need to print at school, meet me in the lab at 8:00 a.m. 
  • your graphic organizer needs to be handed in, too
For further details, see the purple English page at the top of this screen.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

James Frey aka. ???

For EMF8B only!

Today we began to discuss the features of a recount. We'll continue that discussion tomorrow, but here's the question from the end of the class:

What is James Frey's pen name (or nom de plume - you are in FI, after all)?

School Supplies and Forms

Well, we've been back for a week now. By now all students should have the required school supplies.

Also, if you have not yet emailed me or returned the second page of the intro letter (see Recent Handouts sidebar on the right of this screen), please get in touch with me. Thank you.